The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged and affected businesses and individuals in different ways. This has ushered in a period of economic impact for many businesses in Ethiopia. Many businesses are now forced to look at the legal, labor, and tax implications for their clients, employees, and vendors.

What are the legal obligations for companies as they negotiate with employees during this period? What are the current tax requirements and how has it changed? What legal responsibilities do companies have toward mitigating the risks and effects of the pandemic at the workplace?

Join us for an in-depth discussion, on Thursday 14th May 2020 at 9 am, where we explore the legal implications on tax and labor-related issues affecting businesses in Ethiopia. We will cover the following areas:

  1. Covid-19 Related Tax Measures taken by the Government of Ethiopia
  2. Covid-19 Labor consideration for employees in Ethiopia

Our distinguished panelists are experts in the business, labor and taxation fields. They will give us insights on labor and taxation laws affecting businesses in Ethiopia during this COVID-19 pandemic.



  1. Taddese Lencho

Assistant Professor of Law at Addis Ababa University, College of Law and Governance Studies, School of Law.

Dr. Taddese is an assistant professor of law at Addis Ababa University, College of Law and Governance Studies, School of Law. He teaches tax law and insolvency law at both graduate and undergraduate programs. Dr. Taddese is a nationally recognized expert on Ethiopian tax law and tax system. He has published a number of scholarly articles on tax and insolvency law in national and international law journals. He is a member of the National Advisory Council organized under the Federal Attorney General for revision of Ethiopian laws and has served as member of a sub-committee drafting a new Insolvency Law for Ethiopia, which has been submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval. Dr. Taddese contributes regularly to the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation, Amsterdam (IBFD) and is the author of the Ethiopian Chapters on “Corporate Taxation”, “Individual Taxation” and “Business and Investment”.


  1. Mehari Redae

Associate Professor of Law at Addis Ababa University, School of Law

Mehari Redae (PhD) is an associate professor in Law at Addis Abeba University (School of Law) here in Ethiopia. He did his LL.B degree (bachelor of laws) at Addis Abeba University (Ethiopia); his LL.M (master’s degree in law) at the University of Michigan (USA) and PhD in law at the University of Warwick (UK).

He has taught and conducted extensive research mainly on Ethiopia labour law since 1993. He has close working relations with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs; Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Union and Ethiopian Employers’ Federation as well. Furthermore, he frequently consults some national and international business organizations operating in Ethiopia pertaining to their human resource management. As a practicing lawyer, he handles labour dispute before courts of law in Ethiopia.



Mr. Yusuf Reja

CEO @Ethiojobs

Yusuf Reja is the founder and CEO of Africa Jobs Network, an interactive talent search platform focused on employer branding, candidate engagement, and improving the recruitment experience. Yusuf is the founder and CEO of InfoMind solutions, which are all part of the Africa Jobs Network. Yusuf has an unparalleled knowledge of the African job market and the challenges facing employers and job seekers in Africa. He is well versed in business knowledge in Africa and is rightly considered one of the successful entrepreneurs in Africa.


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