Your CV is the first impression that a prospective employer gets from you!

Ethiojobs is hosting a workshop on CV writing techniques that will give you a better chance of being successful in your job search.  In this workshop, we will be covering

  • Basic CV writing etiquette
  • How to tailor your CV according to a job description
  • What employers look for in a CV
  • Job search tools and techniques

Course Benefit:

  • How to brand yourself to the job market
  • To communicate your skills and experience according to a vacancy announcement
  • Understand the needs of a potential employer
  • Feel more confident in your preparation for a job application

Who can attend

Anyone who wants to sharpen their skills in CV writing and stand out in for prospect employers

Join us on our webinar which will be held on August 18, 20202. Please click here for registration.


Source: Ethiojobs

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